Not quite as fun as the last number ...
Blog By Numbers
This is the first entry of my blog by numbers.
Crossfire Photography has been around for many years and I use a 4 digit code to identify each image I produce. For example - If I did a product shoot today each image would be described as CLIENTSNAMEXXXX.
I ask all my clients to try an keep the four digit code on the file - even if they want to rename the image - this means that I can access an image from a the archives in very little time and as far back as 1996. It reduces the search from one in a million to one in fifty.
Nowadays - I will do an image number search and I am suddenly having a trip down memory lane - with photos that would otherwise have been left on the cutting room floor forever.
If anyone is interested ... I am happy to search a number requested through the comments section.
So here is my first entry of my Blog By Numbers ... the number - chosen by my lovely Wife Monique without her knowing why I was asking for a random number - 0357 .
There are many more 0357's but --- I will save them till next time that number comes up.