Blog By Numbers


Dagmas Surprise 80th - a few months ago at Old Curragundi Willow Tree

Dagmas Surprise 80th - a few months ago at Old Curragundi Willow Tree

This is the first entry of my blog by numbers.

Crossfire Photography has been around for many years and I use a 4 digit code to identify each image I produce. For example - If I did a product shoot today each image would be described as CLIENTSNAMEXXXX.

I ask all my clients to try an keep the four digit code on the file - even if they want to rename the image - this means that I can access an image from a the archives in very little time and as far back as 1996. It reduces the search from one in a million to one in fifty.

Nowadays - I will do an image number search and I am suddenly having a trip down memory lane - with photos that would otherwise have been left on the cutting room floor forever.

If anyone is interested ... I am happy to search a number requested through the comments section.

So here is my first entry of my Blog By Numbers ... the number - chosen by my lovely Wife Monique without her knowing why I was asking for a random number  -  0357 .

There are many more 0357's but --- I will save them till next time that number comes up.

Captured Lower Hunter Valley during a Outbackjuncky Recce 2015

Captured Lower Hunter Valley during a Outbackjuncky Recce 2015

Colin Buchanan - Always the Larrikin

Colin Buchanan - Always the Larrikin

One Night In Paris 2012

One Night In Paris 2012

Whats in the box ... image before retouching,

Whats in the box ... image before retouching,

A day in someones office.

A day in someones office.

Winter Sailing 7/6/2015

Winter Sailing 7/6/2015

Matt Ballin - NRL Footballer - looking relaxed in his role as male model.

Matt Ballin - NRL Footballer - looking relaxed in his role as male model.

Who is this man?

Who is this man?