When I studied photography at College, I discovered that commercial photography covered anything from Architectural work, industrial imagery, automotive, scientific, aerial, micro, macro, marine, fashion, visual audits, online stores and much more.
It is interesting that there are many other professionals that work day to day with cameras & lenses such as the Optometrist, Surveyor, Astronomer & even the Plumber.
Recently I have ventured out on a few assignments for pleasure, with a group of Radiologists / Astro photography enthusiasts. After our first adventure, I explained that they are true professional photographers working (and being paid) with incredible cameras and imaging equipment every day!
In their free time, Ariel, James & others have decided to look to the sky on moonless nights, capturing the infinity that is the Milky Way. Here are a few shots I gathered on my outings with these adventurers who have inspired me to explore the night and all it has to offer.